Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lots of Interestin Stuff *mature audiences only*

So I never watch the Tyra Banks Show but I just so happened to turn on my TV and it was on.  I was gonna turn it when I realized they were talkin about men and their sperm.  LOL!  So of course it peaked my interest and I had to watch it.  Did you know that the testacles have to keep a temperature of 96 to 98 degrees?  One degree higher and it will kill the sperm.  Smoking also effects sperm and reduces the amount of blood flow to their junk!  Marijuana actually makes the sperm "high" and they just "zoom" all over the place!  Cell phones also effect sperm.  It has been proven that men who keep their phones on their belt or in their pocket or close to their junk that 1/3 of their sperm gets killed!  So men start keepin in in your shirt or jacket pocket!  Last but not least...fruit increases they amount and they strength of sperm men produce so make your man eat lots of fruit!!!!!!!  LOL!  Just thought it was interestin!

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