Sunday, October 24, 2010

Somebody's In Trouble

So Christina took Sebastian to the Tall Pines Horse Show this weekend...yea...he did exactly what I thought he was gonna do.  Every class she rode him in he had an explosian which put them in last place in two out of three classes.  The third class she had to disqualify herself because she was worried about the safety of the other horses and riders.  He also broke his lead rope while attached to the trailer and ran around the show grounds at the end of the day.  I completely expected this out of really is ridiculous.  Maybe I should sell him to Christina?  It's been playin in my mind lately.  I don't know.  I really don't want to though because if we could get him to calm down he has such great potential!  UUUGGGHHHH why does he have to be so aggravatin?!

Monday, October 18, 2010

We're Off to See the Wizard!

So the Wizard is actually Christina.  Sebastian is goin back to two more weeks of trainin to get his head back on since he was not continuosly rode by the person I was payin to ride him after he came back from trainin.  While he is in trainin with Christina I will be takin lessons on one of her horses...the goal there is to work on my confidence a little.  She mentioned somethin about a plannin a beach ride so hopfully that pulls through!  I would love to go ridin on the beach again.  Again she would let me ride one of her horses so I don't get killed on Bastian.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Workin on It

So I have started my lessons with Christina.  Sebastian really has changed!  He is doin so good!  Our first lesson was just a walk lesson to get used to each other again and so I can start learnin the little cues that Christina taught to Sebastian.  Our second lesson we started incorporatin the cues at the walk into the trot and worked on the new cues for the walk to trot and trot to walk transitions.  He did REALLY good and was very responsive and we connected real easy in that lesson.  Our third lesson however did not go so good.  I had a brick wall up between me and Sebastian from the beginnin and as I got on and rode he felt it and I knew he felt it and we, well I, started spiralling.  Christina got on him and I realized that he was doin absolutely nothin wrong.  It was all me.  From there the ridin lesson turned into more of a therapy session.  Next lesson will be better thanks to Christina.  It's time to leave behind the negatives behind and work towards a gain.  Thats what I will do from now on!