Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So I would have wrote sooner but so much has gone on! Sunday I went up to Fort Jackson in Columbia for MEPS. By 2:30pm Monday I was sworn in to the Army National Guard! I am officially a Soldier now! Yea I'm so excited! I can't wait to start my career! After that I went home and grabbed a quick bite and met Erin out at the barn to get the trailer (which we were having problems with the breaks on...not good) and everythin ready for our trip. That was at about 6:15 that I left my house to head there and didn't leave the barn until around 9:00/9:30. By that time I had been up since 3:30am and runnin on less than two hours of half sleep and just wanted to go home, take a shower and go my ass to bed. but nooooo...once i left the barn my truck broke down and I had to call my mom and triple A. by the time the tower got there and my mom got me home is was midnight. then i had to get my clothes and everythin packed for today so i didn't get in bed until 12:30am and had to wake up at 6:00am to leave out with Erin today for Tennessee to go look at a horse with her and if she liked him to bring him home. That is where I'm am right now. In my hotel room in Chattanooga. We will go pick up the horse tomorrow mornin and head home! I can't wait to see how he does in his new home!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Well y'all....I am headin to Columbia for MEPS for the Army National Guard soon.  I am gettin pretty nervous about it.  I don't know why considerin its just one really long physical basically but I'm nervous anyway.  They are puttin me up in a hotel for tonight then the actual MEPS is tomorrow.  They are gonna do all kinds of stuff but I don't know what exactly.  My recruiter is gonna tell me on the way to Columbia.  So by tomorrow night (unless they find somethin that needs to be waivered and I have to go back) I will be an American Soldier...........oh boy......LOL!  I can do this!  I think I will be the first soldier in my family...but I'm not sure.  At least I'm still followin the military path my family has made!  Wish me luck everyone!