Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Doin alot better

The swellin around the laceration has gone almost completely down. It is still slightly sensitive to touch. I just keep cleanin it with a betadine scrub then spray a betadine/water solution into and cover it with a topical cream and am giving him bute. He seems to be movin fine on it so I'm not worried about it anymore. In fact Erin is goin to do some light riding on him on Friday and I will have a light riding lesson on Saturday. Overall he seems to be doin better though! I tell ya what though...when I got that phone call from Rob my heart sank! Thank god its over though! Thats about all the news though!

I am almost done with my second semester of college! I have two more exams this week then I'm done. Both of them are tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Doin better

Ken Moody and I were out at Rose Court at 0630 hrs this mornin for him to put Sebastian's shoe back on. He chipped up his hoof pretty bad but Ken said it should be all grown out by the next time he's out which is May 6th. The swellin is down a little bit around his wound and I was able to see that it is not a puncture. Just a bad laceration. I cleaned it out again today and put more betadine and Furazone on it. It is still sensitive to touch which is normal but the heat in it has gone down so I don't think it will get infected. We will have to wait and see though. I also found three more cuts that I hadn't noticed yesterday. One small one on his shoulder, a small one on his hip, and a medium sized one on the inside of his back leg by his buttock area. All of the cuts are on the same side and the shoe that he threw was on the opposite front leg. So goin by history I have come up with an idea as to what happened. When Sebastian rolls I have realized he tends to roll by a fence. So I think he rolled and his hoof got caught on the fence and he freaked out. I think thats where the other cuts came from and I also think that when he got himself untangled he had pulled his shoe off but in the process a couple of the nails snagged him and thats where the laceration came from. Not sure if thats what happened but thats all I can think of. I am goin to the tack shop to buy some Furazone of my own. Rob has been lettin me use his thankfully! Then I have to give Sebastian more Bute this afternoon before I go to school.

On a happier note! I finally got my own truck! She is a Chevy Silverado 2500 Turbo Diesel! She is dark green and has scratches and the finishin is chippin off but that all just gives her character! I love this truck! She rides real smooth and everythin! I'm soooo excited! I'm gonna clean her up then take some pics and post them for y'all to see!

Anyway...gotta study! I got five final exams this week! Wish me luck!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh boy...first bad escapade as a first time horse owner.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Not good. So Sebastian threw a shoe today. Ken Moody is goin to try to come out tonight but if not he will be out at 0630 hrs tomorrow. But thats not the bad thing. Yeah I know there's more. On the inside of Sebastian's right front leg by the girth area is a rather large puncture/cut wound. It is swollen and hot and it hurts him. He is favorin his leg a little and will only let you touch it just barely. The only thing I can come up with is that he partially pulled his shoe today then layed down and when he got up next he snatched himself with the shoe then the shoe came off the rest of the way. I don't know though. The vet said to just clean it daily and put some topical cream on it and give him bute daily also. She also said that if it starts leakin puss or anythin to call them anytime and they will come out and sedate him and clean it real well and make sure there is nothin in it or that it is not infected. I have never been through this before. I have been around when things happen to horses don't get me wrong but it was never my horse. So this is all new and I feel like I'm in over my head. But I have some great people on my side to help me out! Thanks Edisto Equine Clinic, Rob, Len, Holly, Mom and Dad!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just Another Post

Well Sebastian hasn't made any friends or enemies in his herd so I guess its kinda a neutral situation right now. LOL! I think his rainrot has cleared up also with this medication he is on. Always a good thing! I didn't get to spend much time with him at all today cause I was too busy but I'm his tomorrow! LOL! I also get my truck tomorrow so expect pictures! YEAH!!! LOL!


Sorry I didn't post yesterday! It was absolute mayhem all day! Anyway I am feelin a little better. I'm at about 85% right now. Yesterday I had a lesson and I was at about 70%. I feel bad for Holly! She was gettin so frustrated with me cause I just was not concentratin and my body wouldn't work with me how I needed it to and it was just a bunch of frustration! Holly had to actually yell at me a couple times becuase things she was sayin just wasn't registerin but in the end it all worked out and we got a flyin lead change out of Sebastian! I also got to move Sebastian from the back pasture (quarintine pasture) up to the front geldin pasture! Everythin went nice and smooth! A couple of the horses chased Sebastian but seein how he is a thoroughbred and trained to race he got away! LOL! It was sooooo cute to watch though! They all accepted him real good into their herd! But I think thats all for now! Later!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Day

Well guys I am still sick so once again I didn't get to do anythin with Sebastian :(. I did go out there today to give him his medication and guess who I ran into. Christine from Tuxbury! I worked with her at the last SCPtHA and we got to talkin and realized she knew Sebastian! So I took her out to Sebastian's pasture to say hi to him and everythin! She might be able to get me a job out at Tuxbury but I have two other barn jobs, a regular full time job for the summer, school, housework, and a horse to take care of, not to mention workin the SCPtHA shows, and competin myself so I don't know what kind of schedule I can manage to pull off! LOL! Oh well, she and I will talk and see what can be done! But it turns out I will be workin with her from now on at the SCPtHA shows! Wish me luck on workin out a schedule for all these jobs and everythin I have to do!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I was bored so I decided to upload some more pics!


Nevermind on the lesson today. I wound up gettin a real bad cold and could barely get out of bed to go feed the horses this mornin. But they need to eat so I did. But other than that I literally spent twenty minutes out at the barn with Sebastian today. Just long enough to make sure he ate all of his medication. This whole day has kinda been a fog. I don't remember much of anythin and what I do remember its like it was a dream. Hopefully I feel better by tomorrow. I hate not bein able to spend real time with my baby.
Well I wound up havin to cancel my lesson today becuase I am sick. I went out to the barn for literally 20

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not a Very Good Day

Well all I have to say is I hope Sebastian has a better attitude tomorrow for our lesson. He was a total jerk today. He refused to go in the arena and he kept refusin a crossrail jump! I mean what the hell? It may have had somethin to do with all the wind but he hasn't had any problems for the past month when I ride him while its windy. Maybe it was an off day who knows. I just hope that we have a better ride tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009




Just a Normal Day

Today was a normal day with Sebastian. He was actin a little weird today but for now I am goin to assume that it is becuase he is not used to how his teeth are now. Holly has me workin on stayin out of his mouth when I ride and today has been the first day I had time to ride since my lesson. I didn't pass the little trainin aids (blue rubberbands) on the reins at all. I also wasn't nervous anymore about givin him so much rein so hopefully by May I can bring Kaisja in to train Sebastian with some dressage! Can't do that until I learn to stay out of him mouth.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Some pics of Sebastian!

Sebastian tryin to get Nicole's Monster.
Nows he's tryin to get my Monster.

The Vet

Well the vet came out today to float Sebastian's teeth and boy did they need it! But they are nice and pretty now so money well spent! The vet said that he should start puttin on a little more weight now since it won't hurt him to eat anymore. I also bought him some antibiotics for his rainrot. We have been at the same stage in the healin process for a few months now so hopefully this will get rid of it! He did so good for the vet overall today! I was so worried that we would have a fight on our hands but Sebastian really surprised me!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Blog!!!

Hey Y'all!

This is officially the first post on Sebastian's and My life together! So I will catch everyone up in this one!

Sebastian is my six year old 15.3 hand thoroughbred geldin. He is a dark bay but for some reason is a registered black. His show name is Coastal Breeze. I bought him from Holly Waller April 1, 2009 but have been workin with him since October 2008. He is an ex-race horse and I am working on retrainin him as a hunter/jumper. Sebastian LOVES to jump! I am also goin to have Kaisja come and teach Sebastian dressage! I am sooooo excited! He has alot of potential...I can not wait to see how far he he goes!

My name is Karin and I am 19 years old. I have been ridin horses since I was eight years old and started takin lessons when I was in eigth grade at Heritage Hall Stables. I had a really bad riding accident in August of 2006 that stopped me from riding until September of 2008. At that point I started takin lessons with Holly Waller. She is very understanding and is very patient with me and I appreciate her so much for it.

Well I think thats it! I'll post regularly!