Friday, August 28, 2009

Any Advice????

Sebastian's hooves are HORRIBLE! He is sound but they just down right suck. I have him on smarthoof from smartpak but it just doesn't seem to be working. I have tried soaking them in peroxide. I have tried kopertox. I have tried about three different topical brush on oils of some sort. I have also tried white lighting. None of it seems to be workin. Is it just cause he is a thoroughbred? Any input? I will welcome anything you have to say!


  1. I heard recently that some people find hooves can react with aluminum shoes and cause a more brittle foot. Maybe put steel on?

  2. My TB had the same issue. He was just born with bad feet. There is a supplement called Nu Foot Vet formula that works great! You can get it from Jeffers Equine. If he has shoes, you really need to paint the nail holes with Tuff Stuff or Horseshoer's Hoof Sealant It helps keep the nails tight and the shoes on. My horse would twist his shoes off so I finally went barefoot. He did great on the Nu foot supplement, even barefoot. Good luck!

  3. A horse at my barn with awful feet is on Farrier's Formula combined Kerotex painted on every day (sp?) does wonders.

    I use Vinice Terpentine on my horses feet (sole and bottom half of hoof wall) to help strengthen them up. I think its helping but I only started doing it consistently a little while ago.
